I can't say that I'm an avid hat collector but I had purchased a few hats in the last few months that I needed to figure out a proper way to store them. I love the idea of hanging them on the wall as storage and display at the same time.
Anchor drywall nails
White plastic chain rope
Wooden clothespins

I had that bare wall next to my shoe wall that I couldn't put any
shelves on because I didn't want the door hitting them every time I come in and out of the bedroom. Since my shoes are on full display why not do it with my hats too. I'll put the link of how I made my shoe wall at the bottom of this post.
First I measured the size of my bare wall. I used dry anchor wall nails on each side where I will be hanging each plastic chain ropes.
I found these white plastic chain ropes in my storage. Not sure why I have them but I figured out a way to use them. I cut them to the size of my measured wall - multiplied by 3. Please note that you can also use a regular rope or any kind of cord or string to do this.
Then I used wooden laundry pins that have a flat front because I didn't want to make any indentation on the rims of my hats.
And that's it! You now have an organized hat of walls.
Here's the link of the process of how I made my shoe wall